Bob Noto


BOB NOTO - sinopsys

What does “Being a gourmet” really mean?

For Italians, the word “Gourmet” can be close to the concept of being a foodie: someone with a great deal of knowledge in gastronomy, a lover of good cuisine, just a food lover in general.

Lately, “Gourmet” seems to have become somewhat of a trend that involves different landscapes in our society, from our social activities to the most popular tv shows and formats.  

In a way, we all consider ourselves to be “gourmet”, even if we don’t really know what that means. We defend our culinary choices because they so often align with what fuels our passion, what we believe in. “Gourmet” can be a dish, a place, a restaurant, or a high-quality product.

How can a person be defined as gourmet?

There are many answers to this question. One of the deepest and most important, but less known, starts from Turin: not from the kitchen of a 3-Michelin-starred chef, but from the chaotic workshop of a photographer and graphic designer who has an extraordinary palate: Bob Noto, renowned Italian photographer and gastronome, has revolutionized forever the world of cuisine.  

His road toward the greatest culinary experiences is filled with travels, great restaurants, laughter, jokes, weird adventures and surreal endeavors. His life has influenced the way we look at (and we take pictures of) food; it’s a pilgrimage in search of the best dish, and the best chance to make it last forever with a ‘clic’.   

A journey in search of the deepest meaning of the word “gourmet”. 








dichiarazione d'intenti

Sono un grande appassionato di top gastronomy. La prima volta che ho sentito parlare per la prima volta di Bob Noto dal giornalista Luca laccarino. Sono rimasto subito affascinato dalla figura di un uomo straordinario, che dalla sua caotica officina di fotografo e designer, dal palato straordinario, ha rivoluzionato per sempre il mondo della cucina italiana.

Globetrotter di ristoranti, generatore di tendenze gastronomiche, precursore di stili, con la capacità lucida nell’individuare i talenti, e un’esperienza personale difficilmente pareggiabile sull’ultimo trentennio di gastronomia europea.

Noto è stato tra i primi ad aver adottato un certo stile di fotografia, il primo ad aver fotografato i piatti appena arrivati al tavolo, un istante prima di mangiarli, come oggi facciamo più o meno tutti, è stato il primo a riconoscere valore artistico e culturale all’alta cucina. Cose che oggi sembrano, anzi sono, normali e che non lo erano nel 1995 ad esempio quando, primo in Italia, scrisse un articolo dedicato a Ferran Adrià su Panorama.

Bob è mancato nel 2017, era amico e confidente dei più grandi chef stellati italiani ed internazionali, solo per citarne alcuni: Adrià, Cracco, Bottura, Cedroni, Scabin; ma totalmente sconosciuto al grande pubblico che oggi è appassionato di tutto il mondo della ristorazione.


declaration of intent

 I am a great fan of top gastronomy. The first time I heard about Bob Noto was from the journalist and food critic Luca Jaccariano of “La Repubblica”. I was immediately fascinated by the extraordinary character of Bob Noto, with his anarchic mix of photographer and designer, an incredible palate, that changes forever the world of Italian cuisine.

Noto was a restaurants globetrotter, food fashion creator and a styles precursor with an incredible skill for scouting talents. He gained personal experience in the European food gastronomy field over the last thirty years that is still unmatched.

Noto adopted and created a new type of food photography: the first person that takes a shoot of the dish just the moment they arrived at the table before they were eaten, without long and forced studio set-up. Today, twenty years later, with the smartphones phenomenon this is a common feature, but Noto was a forerunner that acknowledges haute cuisine for his high artistic and cultural values.  In Italy, in 1995 Noto was the first to write a piece dedicated to the chef Ferran Adrià on the magazine Panorama.

Bob passed away in 2017, fellow and confidant of the biggest Italian and international starred chefs: Adrià, Cracco, Bottura, Cedroni and Scabin. Unfortunately, the masses don’t recognise Noto for his incredible feats and merits despite the popularity of most of his works, chefs and cuisine.






